Preservation of important historic Buddhist sites in India and to support for preservation of the Dhamekh Stupa in Sarnath, and the Mahaparinirvana Temple in Kushinagra , UP

Founders / Partners Vong Group,Thailand
Project Name Preservation of important historic Buddhist sites in India and to support for preservation of the Dhamekh Stupa in Sarnath, and the Mahaparinirvana Temple in Kushinagra , UP
MOU Signed on 2008
Project Description The Group ‘Vijit Dhammanuwat (Vong) Bhikku’, consists of senior citizens of the Royal Kingdom of Thailand who have a common interest to contribute towards the preservation of important historic Buddhist sites in India. The Group has shown interest to support the preservation of the Dhamekh Stupa in Sarnath, and the Mahaparinirvana Temple in Kushinagra.
Category Tangible