Bringing out a comprehensive Monograph on the 16 Samskara-s and a mini encyclopaedic version of the 64 Arts of India.

Founders / Partners Samskriti Foundation,Mysore-NCF
Project Name Bringing out a comprehensive Monograph on the 16 Samskara-s and a mini encyclopaedic version of the 64 Arts of India.
MOU Signed on 19-06-2023
Project Description Objective: Samskars has been considered as an essential rule for the human being and so it is mandatory to observe this rule. The 16 Samskaras enwrap the entire journey of a human life cycle.The project aims to create a monograph and an encyclopaedic version of Sodasasanskaras.These sixteen sacraments,or rites of passage, are a set of important rituals in Hindusim.These sixteen sacraments encompass the various stages of life and provide a framework for spiritual growth and the fulfilment of one’s duties and responsibilities.
Outcome:The monograph will serve as a valuable resource for scholars,researchers, and individuals interested in exploring the Sodasasanskaras from a scientific and contemporary perspective.
Category Intangible